Friday, July 17, 2009


For years, I have been chasing a trifecta of 90s nostalgia.

The first was a song that I sang non-stop over a weekend camping trip at the Niagara whirlpool in 1994 (all I could remember was the "I like toast" part). I found the video on youtube about a year ago.

The second is a interstitial short that aired on Much Music (circa 1993) - it was a mixture of stop motion animation and puppets, and the crux was a plate of eggs telling a kid he was a "freak". The video ended with the kid screaming "I'm NORMAL" repeatedly as his plate of eggs continued to insist that he was a freak. I'm not doing it justice here, but trust me - it was hilarious. I have STILL never managed to see it again, maybe Much will digitize it's archive? If anyone knows how I can get my hands on this short, please let me know.

The third item was a video featuring a puppet dialing a phone, dancing, smoking a hot dog (not perversely) and using a blow dryer. I loved it because they had found a way to visually represent all of the samples used in the song, and I thought the puppet was adorable.

Ian, my hero, found the video for me last night, and I post it here for your edification. Please be sure to get in a 90s frame of mind before viewing. I suggest moping about the state of the economy and dwelling on the morbid coverage of a music super-star who died due to a drug addiction. I know it will be hard, but do your best.

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