Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cartoon Madness

In the list of topics my brother provided me with yesterday, to ensure prompt blogging, he mentioned cartoons that make one nostalgic. In particular, he mentioned Eek the Cat - a show I did not remember until a quick search on YouTube brought it all flashing back. The morbidly obese pink girlfriend, the penchant for unlucky situations, that usually left him burned, blown up or otherwise severely injured. Aah, FOX.

As a result, I have dug up some of the fabulous cartoons I loved as a kid. Some of them may be very Canadia-centric, but I loved them. They include; The amorphous Barbapapas (for the record, the show had an English theme as well - I just preferred the French), Dr Snuggles (an inventor who travels the stars in a homemade rocket and the Silver Hawks (from the creator of Thunder Cats).

What cartoons are you nostalgic for? Drop a few lines in the comment sections and let the world know!

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